Document management is an ongoing concern for companies in the construction business who are deluged with specifications, change orders, certificates, permits, waivers, draw requests, licenses, etc. One of the problems with most generic document management solutions is that someone has to spend time deciding how to organize the continuous flow of information. With eDeneb, a structure and solution for managing your documents is already in place within the modules that comprise the system.
Within each module, access is given to Notes/Documents on the universal tool strip in eDeneb. Within this function, manual notes may be entered, but more importantly, documents and other files may be attached to specific records. For example, a subcontractor's Certificate of Liability Insurance could be attached in Accounts Payable or Purchase Order. A Change Order or Permit could be attached to a Job, or to a specific phase of a job. A completed W-4 form could be attached to an employee record. Document types such as Word, Excel, and PDF may be attached and opened for viewing. Images such as bmp, png, and jpeg may be attached and viewed. The consistent function and structure within eDeneb means that all users with appropriate permissions can easily retrieve or view those important documents pertinent to completing their tasks.